Monday, October 09, 2006

Living Sacrifice

Back in the day, in the days of Abraham, Moses, Elijah and all the other prophets. They had it so much harder. If people wanted to pray to God, they had to first go through a high priest, who would have to walk into the "holy of holies" and he needed to be clean (righteous) before God or he would be struck down as soon as he enters the holy place. This holy place was where God made His presence.

Then if the people wanted to repent from their sins they would need to offer a blood sacrifice from a clean animal, e.g. goat or lamb. This sacrifice was so that the punishment for sin could be taken away.

God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son to come down to the earth as flesh. Jesus came as our high priest, He was now the way we could reach God. Jesus also became our lamb, who died to take our punishment for the sins we have committed. Now the animals, once sacrificed would stay dead, however when Jesus died He rose again, conquering death and so that is why we call Him the living sacrifice.

When we receive Him into our hearts that same Jesus is living in us, that same power is also in us, we have victory over anything imaginable, even death. For one day we will leave this earth to live eternally with our heavenly Father. There is one thing people cannot avoid, that is death, but you can choose where you will be for eternity.

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