Sunday, June 26, 2005

Church choir

Well we got put into our vocal groups today. I was in the baritone group, so that's like the mid-range for the males. Not too low and not too high, it's juust right =P
We had our first practice run as a 3 piece choir and it was awesome! No Amanda it didn't rain =)
Praise God for that, even though we're doing pretty well, we have only just begun, and there is still plenty to practice and learn.

Exams are closing in on me ... nooo!! it only felt like a few days ago that I still had 3 weeks, but now the gap has closed to 3 days!! No more slacking off now ...

All the best! for all you people that still have exams and for those who don't ... you don't need to rub it in -_-''

Current Mood: busy

Friday, June 17, 2005

Home sweet home

came home today from uni, hallelujah, praise GOD! you're probably thinking why am I so glad to be home...well today I had to go home today by myself and the last bus was at 9.28, but I got to the station at 9.50 (ish) soo...I ended up walking the dark and all, which reminded me of this verse:

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me." - Psalms 23:4

So praise God for getting me home safely =)

Current Mood: thankful

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Was planning on doing some work at uni today, but ended up bludging all day at work (not surprisingly). I never get anything done in there. I better get this assignment done before I get in trouble, my lecturer's already given way too much of an extension.

All day I was feeling pretty ok, and just when I'm about to do some serious work, I get a it's time to sleep =P

Current Mood: worried

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Answered prayer

Firstly praise God for the rain, because I did ask for rain. Rain means fresh air, which is good since there are heaps of sick people.

Got a haircut today, the usual short stuff ...

The pastor from my old church had a birthday party, so we had dinner there. The desert was sooo good. It was trifle, if you don't know what it is, well it's a layered mixture. There's a layer of soft spongy cake, then a layer of rich creamy custard, next there's a layer of fresh juicy fruits and finally topped off with sweet cream ... mmmmm ... andmost importantly it's all made with low fat stuff so there you go ^_-

Current Mood: full

Friday, June 10, 2005

Testing mood script

If you can see the picture then it's working...didn't quite get it to work. If you're wondering, I was trying to make a script so that I can easily call the pictures from the current mood (found at Guess I'll try again later....

But it seems the URL for them is almost the same so may as well put that in the post template and just change the filename when I need to..

Current Mood: geeky

Thursday, June 09, 2005

As sick as a dog

Headache, body ache, major nasal congestion, fever and to top it off, my nose bled twice today...and that pretty much sums up most of the day...

On a more positive note, I got some work done on my assignment, now my drawing app can print and I've got preferences to change the background colour. Also finished the UML class diagram for it (well I hope it's right).

On the bus to central one of the people I helped while working (at IT Service Desk) remembered me, because I was helping her to get on to UniWide. So we chatted until Central, about stuff. That was unexpected, but I guess at those times, makes you feel good that you're working at IT Service Desk.

I'm going to sleep before 12 tonight...well trying to, this would be the first time I've slept before 12 since December I think...

Other news:
Apple announced that they will be using Intel chips, exciting stuff!!

Monday, June 06, 2005

Close but no cigar

Just got home from Uni, doing the OS assignment, well you know what, we managed to pass the "huge" test (we passed the 2nd test) but that was in a way just a coincidence because we didn't implement everything yet. So by the looks of it we should be close to finishing, let's hope that the past few days of staying late at uni is going to pay off.

A few of my friends have OO projects due tomorrow (and some are also doing OS ..), so hope they can make it. Amanda has 2 exams tomorrow as well. Will be praying for all of you. God bless.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Things are looking up..

for OS anyway, finally got some part of the assignment done (and working, i.e. haven't broken it so far =P )
still got the hard part to do

can't wait for holidays, albeit I'll most probably be doing my thesis, web stuff and maybe practice my singing (since I joined the church choir now...yes I know...Victor sing?? what the??). I'm leaving it up to God, nothing is impossible with God, even getting me to sing =P