Friday, September 01, 2006

Praise Who?

At uni and school, there would always be competition as to who would get the best marks, who played better in sport, etc. What does it all come down to? In most cases it all comes down to, being able to receive the praise from your fellow peers and receiving that recognition that you are "the one". We all love to hear it, "wow, you're so good" or "you're so smart". When I was in school, I'd love it when people would come up to me after I had aced an exam or played really well in the basketball game. The end result is that we are doing it for our own pride.

"And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown." - 1 Corinthians 9:25

It is human nature to want to feel good about yourself. The fact of the matter is that, you could not have done anything without the body and life given to you by God. The fact that I am alive today is because God had created me. The fact that I have the skills that I have, is because God has strengthened me to do so. The praise to yourself will only last a while, but when we give praise to God, we give honour to Him, and God will also honour us. While we may not see the reward here on earth, the reward is waiting for us in heaven.

I still have the competitiveness in me, but I've been learning to give the praise back to who it should be directed at, God. I am but a humble instrument, all praise should go back to God.

Praise God!

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