Tuesday, December 20, 2005


I'm baaaack... CAMP was absolutely incredible! Man I was so blessed just to be there. We learn't heaps about Revelation and the second coming of Christ. Hearing about all those terrible things (even terrible is an understatement) that's going to happen to the people who are not Christians. I hope I can get all my family and friends saved so that they won't have to go through the pain and agony. It will be so bad that people will want to die but they can't even kill themselves..... if you're reading this right now, I hope you will seriously think about where you stand right now. I pray that you will make the right decision, because I don't want to see anyone go through the eternal agony that will happen on this earth... and later in hell...

For those that have chosen to have Christ in their life, you can be assured that you will not go through the tribulation, but you must be faithful to the end... or it will mean nothing...

We had awards for a number of things and my team (ALPHA.. go ALPHA!) shared the best SWG (Serving With Gladness) team award. Which means the best team in serving others through doing stuff like encouraging, doing favours like getting food for them, drinks, etc.

Camp was so much fun! I can't wait for the next one =)

On another note, I went back to work today. Spent most of the day trying to figure out a problem one of the clients had with their printing. So I received quite a few phone calls and made quite a few as well. It's all good, at least it wasn't boring.


Felix Alim said...

ahhh coool..

dude summarise revelations plz!! =P

Victor said...

hehe I dunno if I can... there's just so much in there... I guess the most important thing is... don't get left behind, because there will be no sign when Jesus is coming back, the anti-christ will come after the rapture (when the Christians are taken up). Jesus will not actually touch the earth on His second coming (keep that in mind). Instead we'll be called up to Him from the clouds.