Thursday, February 09, 2006

Time is of the essence

I've been really slack in regards to blogging, and maybe other things too. I guess it was timely that this week HomeCell was about challenges in doing both school/work and ministry. I need to make the most of my time and the best way to do ministry is to involve God in every aspect of our lives (which includes outside of church/youth).

Work has been quite interesting lately, because I've been doing alot of more practical work (rather than documentation) and also interacted with clients. Praise God also that I don't really have to buy a car, since we found a really cheap car for $500 and so we'll be using that for at least a year. Next year I believe God will provide me the finances to buy a new car.

"Whatever you've received from the Lord, you are able to give to others" - Matthew 10:8

God bless

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