Friday, August 12, 2005

Not this time

Me and my friend was planning on taking the ballroom class today. I called up this morning to see if there was any room, and yes there was, 2 spots yay...but then when I asked if there would be enough girls (my friend being a guy) the guy told me that there was already a 50/50 split, i.e. 19 guys and 19 girls. The class size is capped at 40, and so if we were to join it would be 21 guys and 19 girls, meaning 2 guys would miss we decided not to take it this time. It's strange to see so many guys joining the dance class, in the latin dance class it was like 7 guys to about 12-14 girls. So that was good, for the guys haha... oh well I guess I'll have to do ballroom another time...

Man I'm starting to realise how little work I'm doing on my thesis. I haven't met up with my supervisor for weeks, he's not gonna be happy :\ ok time to get into gear and get some work done ...


Anonymous said...

I don't see why you wouldn't still join. I mean, you and your male friend could just take turns leading, no?

cary said...

Ballroom dancing - what a treat. Graceful, gliding, guiding - just too darn intimate for two guys, that's why!

'marked you for more reading, surfed in from BE.

Victor said...

We decided doing latin was enough for now. I think it's better to do it one at a time anyway, might get confused with the different styles. Plus I'd rather save my money for now, I can always take the class later.

too intimate?? nah...otherwise we wouldn't be even thinking about it =P

Anonymous said...

hehhe goooo... dancing!!