Saturday, May 20, 2006

Count your blessings

I finally got to wash my car today, although it rained straight after I finished. Oh well.. at least it's been washed. Now my car is quite old, it's a 1988 (I think) Honda Civic. So it's not the greatest car in the world, but thank God for blessing me with a car, when there are so many people out there who don't even have a car.

There are so many other blessings I could thank God for:
- My Powerbook G4 (that I'm using to type this up)
- Shelter over my head and a bed to sleep in
- Finances that has always met my needs
- My mobile phone
- An incredible church (check out links section)
- Wonderful friends
- Loving family
- A JOB!
- Supportive pastors, leaders and brothers and sisters in Christ
- A brain
- A healthy body
- My whole life

the list could go on and on...

So why don't you count your blessings today and think about what God has blessed you with.

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