Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The 4 letter word

Everyone wants to be loved, but do you know what is true love? Love is more than just a feeling. Love is spelt T-I-M-E. Giving your time is one of the main ways to love someone. If you think about it, if you loved someone or something, then you would probably want to spend most of your time in doing that thing. Why is time so important? When you give your time, you are essentially giving a part of your L-I-F-E. Those 2 hours you just spent hanging out with your friends you can never take back.

It's all about making sacrifices. Jesus showed what true love meant, when He died for our sins on the cross. He gave his whole L-I-F-E for all of us and the whole T-I-M-E He was on Earth it was for our sake.

That is true LOVE!

Youthopea has been doing community surveys the past couple of weeks. It was awesome to be able to go out there in the Parramatta community to be able to talk to people and get them become aware of Youthopea.

Choir practices are back on again! We're learning a new song, it's called "Magnificent and Holy" you can listen to it from the album 'Real' by Israel.

My bosses are back from holidays now. I've been working on my own the last 2 weeks, it was an interesting experience. I definitely learnt alot. I hope they let me go to the snow on the 18th July.

We have Soccer this saturday for YCG and Youthopea are getting new jerseys. Woohoo! It looks awesome!

I've been playing guitar for Homecell, you can read about the testimony in the Church newsletter, next edition should be coming out soon!

Stay tuned for more...^^

1 comment:

Felix Alim said...

nice post (=