Monday, July 31, 2006


Jesus is the perfect example of someone who is anti-racism. Jesus treated everyone equally, Jesus loves you just as much as He loves the next person. Back in the day, the Samaritans and Jews were not the best of friends. The Jews discriminated Samaritans, and so no Jew would even speak to a Samaritan.

One day as Jesus was on His way to Galilee, He CHOSE to go through Samaria - even though it would have taken Him longer. Jesus being a Jew spoke to a Samaritan woman, not only did He defy convention by speaking to a Samaritan, He spoke to a WOMAN - which was even less common.

Jesus knew the importance of setting our differences aside, we cannot discriminate people just because they are from a different race, or maybe they are a different colour. You and I are no better than anyone else in this world, we were all created from dust and we will go back as dust.

You will never know how much of an impact you can make by reaching out to someone. Jesus knew He had to go there, and I'm sure the Samaritans had longed for someone to speak to them. They were probably feeling a little left out.

"And at this point His disciples came, and they marveled that He talked with a woman; yet no one said, "What do You seek?" or, "Why are You talking with her?"" - John 4:27

The bible says, not one person complained about Jesus talking to the woman. The Samaritans would have been more happy than angry that a Jew actually crossed the boundary and came up to speak to one of them. In the end the people loved Jesus so much that they asked Him to stay with them for two days - which He did.

So let's take the example of Jesus and set aside our differences. God wants you to reach out everyone, He wants us to go out into the world, that includes all countries, not just Asian countries or Europeans countries, but the WHOLE world.

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