Monday, April 17, 2006

But Nevertheless...

...not what I will, but as You will and desire. Matthew 26:39 (AMP)

There is no secret to living life to it's fullest. This can only be achieved when we are abiding by the will of God. He has an awesome and marvelous plan for ALL of YOU - Jeremiah 29:11. Sometimes we are too stubborn to let His will to be done in our lives, we keep praying to God, to have this and that. You have to realise however that God's plan is much, much better. We may not understand it, because God's mind is above ours, but it takes faith.

If a family member is dying, we would naturally pray that he/she would get better, but can we trust God enough for His will to be done? Even though that means he/she would die. God knows the big picture, He doesn't make mistakes. So next time you pray try to always include those two words - "but nevertheless" not what I will, but as You will.

When we begin to follow in His will, God will also grant your heart's desires - Psalm 37:4, how awesome is that? So how do we know what is His will? First you need to have faith and believe in Jesus and by reading the Bible, God will show you everything that you need to know. It may not be straight away but He will in due time.

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