Thursday, August 25, 2005


WOW! is all I can say, there are no words to describe God's goodness. To think that I have come as far as I have now. Ten years ago I would never have dreamed to come this far. When I was in school growing up, I was just an ordinary kid, I didn't do that well at school, just barely passing.

Ten years later... I'm attending one of the top universities in Australia (UNSW). Now not only am I a student, I am also employed as a casual tutor and lab demonstrator in one of my favourite subjects (Human Computer Interaction).

Then I started to think, how much I'm actually doing these days. I'm doing my thesis, working as an IT Service Desk Analyst, doing casual tutoring and very soon I will be leading a cell (bible study) group at uni. I would never have imagined to be where I am right now.

God is awesome, He is truly the way, the truth and the life. Keep persevering, only God can turn the 'unreal' to something 'real'.

God bless you all =)

Sunday, August 21, 2005

First time

The first time I had ever heard of a "food date". Well I had "lunch" (which was mainly coffee and she brought some breakfast bars for us to eat) with my friend, and so it was our so called "food date". I thought it was pretty funny =P

The first time I've been to karaoke. Can you believe it? I'm like almost 22 and I've never been to karaoke! Well it's about time and it was lots of fun too. I can't wait for the next time we go. I so want to get the singstar game (Playstation) but then I gotta think about how much time I'll have to play it...

Well you've probably noticed there's no tagboard, well..that's because the one I was using broke...this is the second time now, so I'm reluctant to putting another one up, unless people really want it, hook me up with some reliable tagboards, and it HAS to be FREE.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Not this time

Me and my friend was planning on taking the ballroom class today. I called up this morning to see if there was any room, and yes there was, 2 spots yay...but then when I asked if there would be enough girls (my friend being a guy) the guy told me that there was already a 50/50 split, i.e. 19 guys and 19 girls. The class size is capped at 40, and so if we were to join it would be 21 guys and 19 girls, meaning 2 guys would miss we decided not to take it this time. It's strange to see so many guys joining the dance class, in the latin dance class it was like 7 guys to about 12-14 girls. So that was good, for the guys haha... oh well I guess I'll have to do ballroom another time...

Man I'm starting to realise how little work I'm doing on my thesis. I haven't met up with my supervisor for weeks, he's not gonna be happy :\ ok time to get into gear and get some work done ...

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Me dance???

Well you probably don't believe but yes I've started taking dance classes. Today was the first class (Latin dance) and we learnt how to do the salsa and samba. It was pretty good, I had heaps of fun, the lesson seemed really short...I feel like dancing some more haha

Monday, August 08, 2005

UNSW Cell coming soon...

That's right we will be opening a new (cell) group in the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. So whether you're a Christian or a non-Christian we would love for you to join us. More details to come ..

Happy 6th Anniversary for Hope Church.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Training at church

Sometimes people ask, why do you have to go to church? Isn't it enough to be a Christian and as long as you don't do the wrong thing?

Well there are many reasons, but one of them is training.

Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths.

Isaiah 2:3

When we train for anything, whether it be sports, a skill for a job, there would always be someone there to teach us. It could be a coach, mentor, teacher, etc. If we wanted to get better we wouldn't be able to do it without meeting our teacher. So it's the same as Christians, we need to continually meet our teacher, Jesus Christ, because He is the one that knows all about us. After all God is the one that created us.

This is just one of the many reasons there are for going to church. Just because it seems like a lot of work, don't be discouraged. I hope you all will be able to enjoy going to church as much as I do, maybe even more =)

God bless